ADHD Pre-interview Form

Patient's Name:

Office only

Further Demographic Details

DIVA - Childhood symptoms

For each question, please consider whether you had these symptoms between the age of 5yrs and 12yrs. Please provide examples if you can think of any, as this supports the answer. If you can think of an example that is not listed, please put this example in the comments section for each question.

Childhood - Attention Symptoms

Childhood - Hyperactive and Impulsive Symptoms

For each question, please consider whether you had these symptoms between the age of 5yrs and 12yrs. Please provide examples if you can think of any, as this supports the answer. If you can think of an example that is not listed, please put this example in the comments section for each question. 

DIVA- Adulthood Symptoms

The following questions assess your symptoms in adulthood. Please consider your symptoms over the last SIX MONTHS when responding to each question. 

Adulthood - Inattentive Symptoms

Adulthood - Hyperactivity / Impulsivity Symptoms

The following questions assess your symptoms in adulthood. Please consider your symptoms over the last SIX MONTHS when responding to each question. 

Adult Self-Report Scale (ASRS)

Section A

For each question below, please select the answer that most accurately reflects your feelings and behaviours for the past SIX MONTHS:

Section B

For each question below, please select the answer that most accurately reflects your feelings and behaviours for the past SIX MONTHS:

Weiss Functional Impairment Rating Scale

This tool assists in understanding the impact your symptoms have on you and those around you. Please consider your symptoms for the past ONE MONTH. If you do not understand any of these questions or they are not relevant to you, select 'not applicable'


Please choose the option that best describes how your emotional or behavioural problems have affected each item in the last month


Please choose the option that best describes how your emotional or behavioural problems have affected each item in the last month:

School and Study

Please choose the option that best describes how your emotional or behavioural problems have affected each item in the last month:

Life skills

Please choose the option that best describes how your emotional or behavioural problems have affected each item in the last month:

Self Concept

Please choose the option that best describes how your emotional or behavioural problems have affected each item in the last month:


Please choose the option that best describes how your emotional or behavioural problems have affected each item in the last month:


Please choose the option that best describes how your emotional or behavioural problems have affected each item in the last month:

Past Medical and Family History

This section will ask questions regarding your health, any symptoms you might be experiencing and your family history. This is done to ensure medications are prescribed safely if your diagnosis is confirmed. 

Your Medical History

Physical symptoms

Drug and Alcohol History


Family History

The questions below relates to your family history of medical conditions. This is to assist your psychiatrist in assessing your genetic risk for health conditions that are relevant to ADHD prescribing. As such, please only respond regarding your blood relatives. Consider close relatives such as parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins and your own children (if applicable). 

Please answer to the best of your ability. If you are unsure about the answers, please discuss this with your family before your appointment with your psychiatrist. If you do not know your family history and you are unable to confirm your family history, please tick the box below.

Medical History Declaration

Important Information

Please read the following information regarding appointments and prescribing rules. You will be required to acknowledge you have read this information before any medication will be prescribed, so it is important to read it carefully. 

Appointment information

Appointment Schedule

If the ADHD diagnosis is confirmed, and you are prescribed a stimulant medication after medical screening, you will need to attend a number of appointments for dose adjustments. Dose adjustment appointments are usually 15 minutes in duration. The total number of appointments required will depend on your response to the medication. Many people respond to the first medication prescribed, and only require 2-3 dose adjustment appointments. 

In some cases, the first medication prescribed is not as effective as hoped, and other medications need to be trialled. Unfortunately, there is no way to predict which medication would be most suitable for each individual. We therefore start with the medication most people respond to, before moving on to other medications if required. If you require a switch to another medication, you will likely require 5 or more appointments in total. 

Once you have settled on an effective medication, you will then need to attend 6 monthly for repeat prescriptions. In some cases, we can do 12 monthly appointments if your GP is willing to co-prescribe medications. This will be discussed in further detail with you at your appointments. WA Health Department guidelines require a psychiatrist to review a person on stimulants at least every 12 months in order to continue prescribing. 

Prescribing information

Important Information Regarding Stimulant Prescribing

If you are prescribed a stimulant medication, it is important to note the following rules and expectations:

- Stimulants are highly regulated schedule 8 drugs. The health department specifies strict prescribing rules and your psychiatrist must comply with these rules. 

- Your prescriptions are required by the health department to have a nominated script interval. This is the minimum number of days before you can collect the next script. The interval is written on the script and you can confirm your interval with your psychiatrist or pharmacist 

- Requests for authorisation to collect scripts early will not be provided. If you lose medication or it is stolen, you will need to wait until the next collection date. It is important to protect your medication to avoid running out early.

- Do not take extra medication beyond the prescribed dose. Doing so will result in your prescription being cancelled. 

- Do not share your medication with someone else. Doing so will result in your prescription being cancelled. 

- You will be required to undertake regular urine drug screening to continue being prescribed your stimulant medication. Failure to complete the urine drug screening will result in your treatment being ceased. This is a health department requirement.  

- Stimulant scripts will not be provided outside of appointments. It is important to make sure your appointment is scheduled before you run out of medication. If you do not do so, you will need to go without medication until your appointment. 

Schedule 8 Prescriber Code

The WA Health Department Schedule 8 Medicines Prescribing Code requires psychiatrists to confirm a patient does not have any of the following conditions:

- A history of stimulant induced psychosis

- A history of bipolar disorder

- A history of subsatnce abuse , diversion or misuse of drugs of addiction or Schedule 9 poisons within the last five years

- A record of drug dependence or oversupply

- Be a current CPOP participant

The code expects prescribers to make reasonable steps to exclude the above conditions. This involves calling the Department of Health Schedule 8 Prescriber Information Service to obtain your schedule 8 and stimulant prescribing history. You will be asked below to confirm you consent to this service being called prior to any stimulants being prescribed. If you choose not to consent, you will not be prescribed a stimulant. 

Please check the box below to indicate you understand the statement below regarding your prescription: 

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